Arka is a perennial shrub growing 2.5 meter high with various branches and sub branches. Leaves are simple, opposite, subsessile, ovate and cordate at base. It has bunch of waxy flowers that are white or lavender in color. Flowers consists of pointed five petals and a small beautiful crown, which holds the stamen. It has milky stem and contains cardiac glycosides, fatty acid and calcium oxalate.
Aak is known as “Arka” in Sanskrit. When we talk about the medicinal properties of this herb, it is mostly addressed with the name of Arka. Aak is a common Hindi name given to this plant which is familiar to the Indians as a perennial bush growing almost anywhere in the wild.
liarity. This milky exudate is mildly poisonous and is considered as one of the plant toxins in Ayurveda. Though toxic, this exudate (latex) can be purified and put to use as a very effective antidote as well as herbal medicine.
The name of this plant is synonymous with Sun for the herb is very strong and astringent in action much like the powerful rays of Sun. It belongs to the Apocynaceae family of flowering plants.
Arka kasheera – Latex of arka plant is capable of vomiting and purgation. It is used in purgation and vomiting therapy.
Ginger is not only widely cultivated spice but it is world’s best natural remedy with versatile health benefits. Ginger is herbaceous perennial flowering plant which is used as well Known spice. This herb is used in ayurvedic system for its various medicinal properties. Ginger belongs to the family of turmeric and cardamom. This plant is easily adapted to warm climates. It produces pink and white flower buds in a cluster. These flower buds bloom in yellow flowers. It has annual leafy stem which grows 3-4 feet in height. Ginger rhizome vary in color depending upon different types. It may be yellow, white and red in color with brownish skin may be thin or thick. Both fresh and dry rhizome of ginger is used.
Ginger is used as a spice to add flavor in cooking, for centuries. The fresh stem of this plant is used as a main ingredient in many dishes, in Asia. In European cooking, ginger is more popular as powdered spice while in Britain, it is popular as gingerbread. Ginger oil and oil resin are other common uses of this ginger to flavor ginger beer and ginger ale. It is even used as an ingredient in cosmetics, perfumery and medicines. This ginger is pickled to make beni shoga and gari, in Japan. It is used as raw or grated ginger in tofu or noodles. In India, ginger is used as one of the main ingredients in the cooking of thicker gravies for vegetarian dishes, as well as in many other non-vegetarian dishes such as meat based dishes. Ginger contains gingerols, a-curumene, citral, D- camphene, geraniol, zingiberenes, zingerone etc. Ginger juice is used in the purification of opium (ahiphena shodhana).
Ginger can be used in dried, powdered, fresh, oil and juice forms. It is very commonly used spice. Gingerol is its natural oil that provides a unique flavor and aroma to this spice. Ginger is famous in medicine system because of its medicinal properties. It has very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.
Basically ginger is native of Asia, but it is cultivated throughout world in tropical regions. Africa and South America cultivate this herb for commercial use. Ginger had a great history in Asia and Middle East as an alternative remedy. Since 2000 years ago China has been using ginger as treatment for indigestion. Nowadays ginger can be grown indoors.
Fertile, moist and properly drained soil is best for the cultivation of ginger. It grows wildly in rainforest because essential nutrients are locked up in dead wood and decaying leaves in theses rainforests.
This is a big tree growing up to 60 to 80 feet and with thick stem of 3 to 4 ft diameter. It is native to South East Asia. The bark is papery thin and was sometimes used for writing like Betula utilis tree bark (Bhojpatra in Sanskrit). Leaves are thin like leather, shiny and up to 3 inches long. Flowers are white in color and fruit is 1 to 2 inches long, smooth and thin.The bark sometimes gets infected with a fungus ( Phaeoacremonium parasitica ) in 7 to 8 % of the trees, which turns the bark from light brown to dark brown or black. This leads to a special fragrance unique to Aguru tree due to the presence of the oleoresin.
There are about 17 species in the genus Aquillaria and 8 are known to produce Agar oil. Aquillaria agallocha is synonym for A.malaccensis, A.secundria. Agarwood is famous for its role in making of incense sticks for various ceremonies. The wood is also used to make beautiful carvings and sculptures. In many countries of Southeast Asia, the Agarwood beads are made to keep oneself safe from evil spirits and bringing good luck.
This infected part of the tree yields Agarwood oil, which is sold in various Arabian countries, China and Japan. This oil has high economic value as it is very expensive and the cost usually same as 24 carat Gold. The reason is cumbersome distillation process yielding only 30 ml oil from 100 kg of infected wood. The oil is known as Oud and is 100 % natural essential oil. The fragrance is mainly because of various mix of sesquiterpenes and epoxides, which can also be used as pheromones to attract opposite gender.
Agarwood Oil : Agarwood oil is obtained from the resin of the tree. The resin of the plant is called Gaharu. It is formed naturally as a result of reaction of the tree to the attack of fungus. Attacked trees spread a fragrant gum to protect the injured area, which gets hardened in the form of a resin. The hardened area contains the precious oil trapped within the Resin. The resin is processed to obtain the oil.
This tree is native to Southeast Asia and grows in China, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Eastern India, Thailand and Malaysia.
Agastya is fast growing and soft wooded tree grows up to 3-8mt in height. Leaves are regular, deciduous, and abruptly pinnate and rounded about 15-30cm long and has 10-20 leaflets. According to different species this plant bears red and white flowers. Flowers are long, has 2-4 flower racemes, shallowly 2 lipped and are boat shaped. Plant bears flowers in month of September and October. Fruit pods re slender, falcate about 30cm long contains 15-30 seeds inside.
Agastya plant is also known as “Agathi” plant in Hindi. All parts of this plant serve some medicinal purpose for us. Like the leaves, pods and flowers are used in cooking for making delicious recipes. The wood of Agastya plant is used for domestic purpose. Its consistency matches that of Bamboo because which it is commonly used as its replacement in furniture making. The plant is named “Agastya” because its flowers bloom in the Agastya star day of Sharad Ritu (autumn) as per Ayurveda. According to another belief, it was named after “Agathi” a famous seer who practised Ayurvedic Rasayana procedures in the beautiful abode of Himalayas. It is said that this plant was very dear to him and has since been named after him. Beautiful flowers of this plant are also used as an offering to Lord Shiva. All in all it has a very soothing effect on the body and is helpful in managing stress and anxiety under control. The juice of this plant can help in purifying Diamond within three days.
It is a native plant of Malaysia and North America. Now it is widespread in most humid tropical regions throughout world. It is also cultivated in India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Philippines and Sri Lanka. It is often cultivated in between rice fields and with guinea grass.
Agnimantha is very essential medicinal plant mentioned in texts since Vedic period. It is described as one of ten herbs of dashmoola. Agni means fire and mantha means to shake and its wood is rubbed together to produce fire in ancient times. This herb is best vatahara and shothhara according to Acharya Charak. Agnimantha is a flowering plant in laminaceae/vibernaeceae family. It resembles like large shrub or small trees growing up to 9 meters in height. It is found with yellow bark and brown colored woody aromatic root. It is small herb commonly distributed in India and Sri Lanka. It grows along with other plants in a group. It has simple, ovate, opposite, membranous and irregularly toothed leaves. Flowers of this herb are small white colored with unpleasant smell. Fruits are saucer shaped calyx that surround the base, black when ripened.
Largely known variety is called Agnimantha and less known variety is called tarkari. 2-3 herbs are used in the name of Agnimantha.
Chemical composition of Clerodendrum phlomidis contains pectolinarigenin, hispidium, cleodendrin, raffinosa etc.
Premna mucronata is B-sitosterol, lutoelin, premnine, botulin, ganikarine, premenol and ganiarine.
Agnimantha, Jaya, Vataghni and Sriparna are the various names of this herb because of its various features.
Agnimantha is widely distributed throughout India. It is found mostly in dried parts. It is easily available in upper gangetic plains, Uttarpradesh, Bihar and Orrisa etc. it is also easily available in coastal areas of southern India and dry regions of western coast. It is also found in banks of ganges and Bengal. Flowering season of this plant is from April to June.
Papaver Somniferum is an annual herb that grows up to 100 cm. It is native of Eastern Mediterranean region but it is cultivated throughout Europe. Herbal plant is greyish green in color and stems and leaves are covered sparsely with small and soft hair. Leaves are lobed and clasp at the base of stem. Flowers of this herb normally grow with four white, mauve and red petals and more than 120 mm in diameter. Fruits are round shaped capsules and when whole herb is wounded the plant emits white latex.
Papever Somniferum has many species and subspecies but all are different from each other in many aspects like flower color, shape and number of petals, quantity of flowers and fruits, color of seeds and production of opium etc.
Seeds or poppy seeds are used to prepare poppyseed oil, an edible oil with numerous benefits. Both oil and seed residue has commercial properties as poppy seeds are used as food and bakers use to decorate products mixed with sweet fillings. Morphine is also prepared from this herb. Morphine is an opioid used for moderate to severe pain but misuse of this drug can cause addiction and overdose of this causes spontaneous death.
Native range of this annual herb is eastern Mediterranean but it is cultivated in Asia, Europe and China. United Kingdom is cultivating this plant for medicinal reasons.
Dried latex is used to prepare highly addictive narcotic drug. Various incisions on fruit are made to collect yellow brown latex. It contains various alkaloids such as morphine, codeine, thebaine, papaverin, narcotine, meconic acid and apomorphine etc.
Oil is prepared by poppy seeds and has numerous commercial and health benefits. With the abundance of carbohydrates and calcium this oil is rich in linoleic acid. This acid gives prevention against various cardio vascular disorders and breast cancer. It is also used in iron deficiency.
Slow, fast or irregular heart beat is normally related to our emotional behavior. Do you have any idea, what is irregular heart rhythm? Have your have seen anyone diagnosed with this problem? Irregular heart beat is the condition when heart is not able to pump blood efficiently which results in the irregular heart rhythm. Shortness of breath, chest pain, irregular pulse, heart palpitations and sweating are the symptoms associated with this problem. So don’t take these symptoms lightly because it may lead to serious health complications like stroke, heart failure and Alzheimer’s disease.
In Ayurveda, irregular heart rhythm (arrhythmia) falls under the category of hrdroga (heart diseases). There are three energies – vata, pitta and kapha in our body which helps to maintain a good health. Imbalance of any of three energies results in the health compications. Irregular heart rhythm is due to the imbalance of all three energies (vata, pitta and kapha).
From Ayurvedic perspective to manage irregular heart rhythm, there are various herbs Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Ashwagandh (Withania somnifera) Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis), Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Pipal tvak ( Ficus religiosa), Dalchini (Cinnamon tamala), Choti elaichi (Elettaria cardamom) present in Ayurveda which are packed with cardioprotective properties and helps to strength the heart muscles in a natural way. Though herbs take time to show their effects but they try to resolve the ailment from root.
Acidity is commonly known as heartburn. Hydrochloric acid is present in the stomach which helps in efficient digestion of food and protect the growth of unwanted bacteria. So when there is an excessive production of acid by gastric glands of stomach, then it causes acidity.
Due to over secretion of gastric juices, there is disruption in the lining of the upper part of small intestine. In some cases ulcers can be the cause of cancer.
Dyspepsia is the narrowing of oesopahus which creates the sensation of food being stuck in throat. It occurs after taking meals and is brought by excess abdominal pressure. It usually occurs at night when individual lying down on the bed and there is burning pain in the chest.
Acne is one of a common skin problems. It usually occurs when the hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead cells of the skin. Acne mostly appears on the face, chest, back, neck and shoulders as well. Effective treatments are generally available for more serious problem, but it can be persistent. While, the pimples and bumps heal slowly by its own. But it is seen, that when one begins to go away, then at the same time, other pimples crop up. It is one of the most common problems among teenagers. Younger children are at higher risk of getting acne. This skin problem may cause emotional stress and scar the skin as well. But it depends on its severity. So it is advisable to treat the condition as early as possible. Earlier treatment may lower the risk of getting any physical damage.
The common causes of this skin problem are listed below:
The symptoms of the acne depend on the severity of the condition and the common among them are listed below:
Agoraphobia is being afraid to be in certain situation, where an individual finds it difficult to escape or individuals fear that no help will be available if anything goes wrong. An individual suffering from this condition is afraid of visiting shopping malls, travelling by public transport or even leaving their homes. It is basically defined as the anxiety disorder, where you are afraid of certain places and often avoid the situations, which may cause panic or feel helpless, embarrassed or trapped. People suffering from disorder often fear to be amidst the crowd. They find no way to escape once the anxiety intensifies. They don’t feel safe amidst the crowd. They often fear an anticipated situation. The fear may intensify to such an extent that the individual may feel it very difficult to even leave their homes. The treatment is indeed challenging.
This anxiety disorder is a complication related to the panic disorders. Due to several panic attacks as well as the feeling of too much fear with situations and places, this situation may arise. However, there are some individuals, who develop this disorder from fear associated with issues like the fear of terrorism, crime, illness or facing an accident. These may be genetic as well. And, some traumatic events like bereavement may also result in agoraphobia.
The severity of the disorder may vary among the individuals.
The word Aluminium is derived from the Latin word alumen which means bitter salt. It is the 3rd most abundant element in the earth. Exposure of Aluminium in high concentration leads to several health effects. It is therefore considered toxic metal. Aluminium can enter our body through food, or by breathing or by direct contact through the skin.
Foods like baking powder, processed cheese contains aluminium higher than natural levels because they contain aluminium based food additives. Ingestion of Aluminium based food additives leads to Alzheimer’s disease. Aluminium is used in manufacturing of utensils because it is a good conductor of heat. It allows food to cook evenly.
Cooking of acidic foods like fruits, tomatoes and wine etc. in aluminium pans may lead the toxic aluminium to enter into our body through ingestion of these cooked foods.
Pickles also contain a certain amount of aluminium in it. This is because during the preparation of pickles, an alum, is added in order to add firmness and crispness to the pickles. An alum is an aluminium salt such as aluminium sulfate or potassium aluminium sulfate.
The other source of aluminium is deodorants which we use in our daily life. Even certain antacid medicines also contains aluminium.Aluminium disturbs the calcium phosphorus balance in our body which is essential for the healthy body. The nutrients that gets destroyed by the ingestion of high concentration of aluminium includes calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B1.
Depletion of this nutrients result in various health problems such as deficiency of calcium leads to osteoporosis while deficiency of iron leads to anemia and it also weakens the immune system. Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to unhealthy functioning of heart. Deficiency of potassium leads to muscle pain. While the deficiency of other nutrients leads to various other health problems as well.
As an aluminium is a toxic element and causes several health effects and hence should be avoided. In order to avoid entry of aluminium into food cooked using aluminium utensils, manufacturers developed anodized aluminium. Anodized aluminium retains the heat conducting property, but it creates a hard surface which in turn does not react with the food. Vitamin C is recommended to balance the aluminium salts in the body. Garlic, wheat grass and seaweeds can also be useful in balancing the Aluminium salts.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and very important part of human body. Proteins are formed of hundreds of smaller units named as amino acids which are attached to one another by peptide bonds. There are 20 different amino acids in which nine are essential and 11 are non essential. All the 20 amino acids are required by the body in different concentrations for healthy functioning of body.
Essential amino acids – These are amino acids that our body can’t synthesize on its own. These amino acids are obtained from various food supplements.
Non essential amino acids – These amino acids are synthesized by our body. These amino acids are an essential part of proteins, these are not required to be included in diet every day.
When our diet is deficient in amino acids, may lead to severe health issues named as kwashiorkor. Kwashiorkor is the condition which is characterized by malnutrition.
Intake of the large amount of protein or amino acids may lead to health impairment also which may include:-
Antioxidants are essential to prevent the cellular damage. We can’t imagine our life without oxygen as our body uses the oxygen to do its several functions, then byproducts are generated called as the reactive oxygen species (ROS) or commonly known as free radicals. Our body produces its own antioxidants. Plant food is the good source of antioxidants and which are required to be included in the diet with increasing age. These free radicals cause the damage to healthy cells and target the fats which provide structural membranes surrounding the body cells. Antioxidants help to neutralize the effects of free radicals and prevent the cell death. Antioxidants have the anti aging properties and thus provide the longevity.
Antioxidant deficiency occurs when body does not have sufficient antioxidants. So antioxidants deficiency causes the various free radicals to spread in the cells and destroy them. These free radicals results in the damage of DNA. Other diseases which may develop due to the free radicals are listed below:-
If you want to stay healthy and prevent yourselves from diseases then you must consume the foods and beverages which are rich in antioxidants. There is the requirement of at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday and 6 to 11 portions of grains daily are also good to meet the requirement of antioxidants.
Arginine is also known as L- arginine which plays a vital role to perform various functions in the body. Arginine is a non-essential amino acid which has the anti-ischemic, antiatherogenic, antiplatelet and antithrombic properties which are quite useful for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. L-arginine is converted into a chemical called as the nitric oxide. This nitric oxide helps the blood vessels to open wider for the proper blood flow. It also acts as the growth stimulant and useful for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. It has been found that L-arginine helps to increase the libido, greater endurance and orgasms in both males and females.
Arginine is found in both different plant and animal sources which are given below:-
Arginine deficiency leads to the skin problems such as skin rashes. It may also cause the hair loss. Poor wound healing in the burns and infections are also conditions which are associated with arginine deficiency. In few cases fatty liver disease can also occur which results in the impairment of liver functioning along with the functioning of the blood vessels.
People who take excessive arginine have the side effects like nausea, diarrhea, cramps, asthma and allergic reactions. It may also cause the low blood pressure which are further responsible to change the blood chemicals and glucose levels. Ratio of lysine to arginine in the diet affects the outbreaks of herpes virus. So doctors recommend the increased lysine and decreased arginine ratio for the prevention of symptoms associated with herpes simplex virus.
If having any health complications like cancer, allergies, asthma, liver and kidney problems, sickle cell disease, low blood pressure, any bleeding disorders – don’t take arginine without the advice of your doctor.